Poole & Poole PA Elder Law Attorney
Understanding and managing the many health and financial issues that may confront you in your later years with the qualified legal guidance of an elder law attorney will not only ensure a good quality of life for you later on, but provide peace of mind to your loved ones. Poole & Poole PA offers a range of legal guidance for decisions about financial planning, Social Security, Medicaid and long-term health care planning. Developing a plan with an elder law attorney will ensure that your specific wishes are carried out and also provide you or your immediate family with skilled legal representation to resolve any legal problems that may occur if there is a dispute to a Will or trust. Protect your assets and ensure that all important documents are organized to ensure the best possible future for you and your family.
Poole & Poole PA provides a range of services that include:
- Wills, Trust & Estate Planning
- Establishing a Durable Power of Attorney
- Guardianship
- Assistance with Health Care Planning
- Financial Planning – Income, Savings, Property Transfers, Gift Tax
- Living Will and Advance Directives
- Estate Litigation
- Special Needs Trust
Protecting Your Assets With Poole & Poole PA Elder Law Attorney
Long-term health care planning is essential to cover the high cost of extended health care. Poole & Poole PA provides qualified legal advice to assist you with protecting your assets from being quickly consumed by extended nursing home care that can significantly deplete your income and become a heavy financial burden to family members.
Medicaid Planning
Successfully applying for Medicaid benefits is a lengthy and bureaucratic process that requires significant financial reorganization to ensure your assets are protected from appropriation from certain asset recovery programs that may be automatically enforced after death.
Some of the financial strategies involved with Medicaid Planning include:
Exempt Transfers –
Special asset transfers to a spouse or a relative with a disability will eliminate delays of eligibility.Medicaid Qualified Spousal Annuity -
Convert any excess assets into income to your spouse to become eligible.Asset Protection Trust -
Create a trust that includes some of your assets such as real estate and stocks, to ensure your eligibility.Gift Annuities -
Protect the bulk of your assets by making a gift of certain resources before applying for Medicaid.Personal Care Agreements -
A lump sum payment made to a specialized caregiver is not included in the calculating of your total assets. No matter what stage of life you are at, it is never too early or too late to begin planning. Contact Poole & Poole PA to schedule a consultation to discuss your needs today.